Michael Wei

Michael Wei, Ph.D. is Associate Professor and Program Director of TESOL program at School of Education, University of Missouri – Kansas City. His research interests include applied linguistics, reading/writing English as a second or foreign language, learning environments, early second language development, and second language acquisition. He is the 2019 recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching at University of Missouri – Kansas City.


Applied Linguistics for Teachers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
Nabat Erdogan, Michael Wei. © 2019. 504 pages.
Irrespective of the language taught, whether first, second, or foreign, knowledge of linguistics and its application is a must for language teachers. However, most TESOL programs...
Articulatory Phonetics: English Consonants
Nabat Erdogan, Michael Wei. © 2019. 22 pages.
The main focus of this chapter is to present the articulatory description of English consonants and provide practical guidance on how to teach the consonant phonemes to ELLs. The...