Maxwell Constantine Chando Musingafi

Maxwell Constantine Chando Musingafi is Professor of Public Policy and Governance (specializing in water and gender studies.) He is Programme Coordinator for Development and Peace Studies at Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU), Masvingo Regional Campus. He supervises PhD students and teaches post-graduate courses in development, peace and gender studies at Zimbabwe Open University and Great Zimbabwe University. Maxwell is chairperson of the ZOU Masvingo Regional Research and Academic Publications Coordinating Committee. He holds PhD in Public Management and Governance (NWU); Masters in Development and Management (NWU); MBA (ZOU); Bsc. Hons. Politics and Administration (UZ); BBA (IMM); Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (ZOU); Higher Diploma in Human Resources Management (IPMZ); Diploma in Marketing (IMM); and Diploma in Personnel Management (IPMZ). He has published several books and journal articles on gender; governance; peace; knowledge management; and water and sanitation management.


Philosophising Experiences and Vision of the Female Body, Mind, and Soul: Historical Context and Contemporary Theory
Maxwell Constantine Chando Musingafi, Racheal Mafumbate, Thandi Fredah Khumalo. © 2021. 255 pages.
Much of our understanding of the world, our societies, and ourselves rests on theories and knowledge generated predominantly by men of certain nationalities and economic classes....