Mark E. Nissen

Dr. Mark E. Nissen is Associate Professor of Information Science & Management at the Naval Postgraduate School, USA. His research focuses on knowledge dynamics. He approaches technology, work and organizations as an integrated design problem. Recent research has focused on the phenomenology of knowledge flows. Dr. Nissen's publications span knowledge management, information systems, project management, organization studies and related fields. In 2000, he received the Menneken Faculty Award for Excellence in Scientific Research, the top research award available to faculty at the Naval Postgraduate School. In 2001, he received a prestigious Young Investigator Grant Award from the Office of Naval Research. In 2002 – 2003, he spent his sabbatical year in the Stanford Engineering School. He founded the Center for Edge Power at the Naval Postgraduate School in 2004, and currently serves as Regional Editor (Americas) for the journal Knowledge Management Research & Practice and participates on the Boards of multiple scholarly journals. Before his information systems Ph.D. at the University of Southern California, he acquired over a dozen years' management experience in the aerospace and electronics industries.


Reconsidering a System for Measuring Dynamic Knowledge: Extending a Novel Line of Research
Mark E. Nissen. © 2020. 23 pages.
It is axiomatic to say that knowledge is key to competitive advantage, but it is inherently invisible, intangible, and resistant to quantification, particularly when in dynamic...
Power Implications Within Competitive Organizations
Mark E. Nissen, Shelley P. Gallup, Paul R. Shigley, Robert M. Tanner. © 2020. 24 pages.
The power of a competitive organization is often very clear: one organization is able to impose its will upon another, dominate a competitive arena, or otherwise succeed in a...
Harnessing Knowledge Power for Competitive Advantage
Mark E. Nissen. © 2018. 15 pages.
A great many organizations rely upon advancing Information Technology (IT) in their quests for competitive advantage. The problem is that as long as competitive advantage is...
Harnessing Dynamic Knowledge Principles in the Technology-Driven World
Mark Nissen. © 2014. 291 pages.
In a technology-driven world, it is essential that enterprises develop reliable and rapid flows of knowledge to distribute evenly across organizations, time and place, and...
Harnessing Knowledge Power for Competitive Advantage
Mark E. Nissen. © 2014. 15 pages.
A great many organizations rely upon advancing Information Technology (IT) in their quests for competitive advantage. The problem is that as long as competitive advantage is...
Knowledge Management Research through Computational Experimentation
Mark E. Nissen, Raymond E. Levitt. © 2011. 10 pages.
Systematic development of new knowledge is as important in the developing field of knowledge management (KM) as in other social science and technological domains. Careful...
Measuring Dynamic Knowledge Flows: Implications for Organizational Performance and Competitive Advantage
Mark E. Nissen. © 2011. 21 pages.
Knowledge is key to sustainable competitive advantage, but different kinds of knowledge affect competitive advantage differently, and they exhibit qualitatively different dynamic...
Visualizing Knowledge Networks and Flows to Enhance Organizational Metacognition in Virtual Organizations
Mark E. Nissen. © 2011. 14 pages.
In today’s increasingly networked world of organizational practice, information and computer technologies are enabling people and organizations to collaborate ever more virtually...
Designing Complex Organizations Computationally
Carl L. Oros, Mark E. Nissen. © 2010. 26 pages.
Business process management is recognized increasingly as a critical factor in organizational success, leaders and managers seek to cope with increasingly complex and dynamic...
Visualizing Knowledge Networks and Flows to Enhance Organizational Metacognition in Virtual Organizations
Mark E. Nissen. © 2010. 15 pages.
In today’s increasingly networked world of organizational practice, information and computer technologies are enabling people and organizations to collaborate ever more virtually...
Visualizing Knowledge Networks and Flows to Enhance Organizational Metacognition in Virtual Organizations
Mark E. Nissen. © 2009. 15 pages.
In today’s increasingly networked world of organizational practice, information and computer technologies are enabling people and organizations to collaborate ever more virtually...
Diagnosing Misfits, Inducing Requirements, and Delineating Transformations within Computer Network Operations Organizations
Nikolaos Bekatoros HN, Jack L. Koons III, Mark E. Nissen. © 2009. 32 pages.
The US Government is moving apace to develop doctrines and capabilities that will allow the Department of Defense (DoD) to exploit Cyberspace for military advantage, and the role...
Developing a Knowledge-Based Organizational Performance Model for Improving Knowledge Flows in Discontinuous Organizations
Rahinah Ibrahim, Mark E. Nissen. © 2009. 20 pages.
Tacit knowledge attenuates particularly quickly in organizations that experience discontinuous membership: the coming and going of organizational roles or positions during a...
Computational Experimentation
Mark E. Nissen, Raymond E. Levitt. © 2008. 9 pages.
Systematic development of new knowledge is as important in the developing field of knowledge management (KM) as in other social science and technological domains. Careful...
Discontinuity in Organizations: Developing a Knowledge-Based Organizational Performance Model for Discontinuous Membership
Rahinah Ibrahim, Mark Nissen. © 2007. 19 pages.
Tacit knowledge attenuates particularly quickly in organizations that experience discontinuous membership: the coming and going of organizational roles or positions during a...
Toward the Multidimensional Conceptualization of Knowledge
Mark Nissen, Murray E. Jennex. © 2007. 7 pages.
Many taxonomies and definitions of knowledge have been published in the KM literature. This chapter defines knowledge as something that is multidimensional and existent on a...
Harnessing Knowledge Dynamics: Principled Organizational Knowing & Learning
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 278 pages.
Harnessing Knowledge Dynamics: Principled Organizational Knowing & Learning translates what is arcane and controversial today into managerial guidance that is sophisticated yet...
Computational Experimentation
Mark E. Nissen, Raymond E. Levitt. © 2006. 7 pages.
Systematic development of new knowledge is as important in the developing field of knowledge management (KM) as in other social science and technological domains. Careful...
Knowledge Power
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 15 pages.
This chapter focuses on how the power of dynamic knowledge can be harnessed. We look first at how knowledge enables competitive advantage and then discuss the nature of knowledge...
Knowledge Uniqueness
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 15 pages.
This chapter focuses on how flows of knowledge differ from flows of information and data. It also outlines where such differences are important. We look first at the concept...
Knowledge Flow
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 18 pages.
This chapter focuses phenomenologically on the dynamics of knowledge flows. We look first at the organizational processes responsible for knowledge flows and then discuss...
Knowledge Technology
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 21 pages.
This chapter surveys several classes of technologies and indicates which kinds of knowledge flows are enabled and supported relatively better and worse by such technologies. We...
Knowing and Learning
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 23 pages.
This chapter discusses the concept knowing, which involves knowledge in action, and learning, which involves knowledge in motion. We look first at knowing and learning in the...
Assessing Knowledge-Flow Performance
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 31 pages.
This chapter focuses on assessing organizational performance with respect to knowledge flows. We look first at several theoretical and practical bases for assessment and then...
Application Cases in Business
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 28 pages.
This chapter concentrates on knowledge-flow visualization and analysis in the for-profit business sector. We look first at an advanced-technology company involved with...
Application Cases in Government
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 30 pages.
This chapter concentrates on knowledge-flow visualization and analysis in the public sector. We look first at a military organization involved with maritime warfare. The...
Application Cases in Non-Profits
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 21 pages.
This chapter concentrates on knowledge-flow diagnosis and intervention in the private, not-for-profit sector. We look first at a national youth soccer organization. The...
Mark E. Nissen. © 2006. 29 pages.
This chapter includes guidance for learning from the book and for continuing to develop new knowledge about principled organizational knowing and learning. We first summarize the...
International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM)
Hakikur Rahman. Est. 2005.
The International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) provides a forum for academics, researchers, and educators to analyze global aspects of knowledge management from...
Agent- and Web-Based Employment Marketspaces in the U.S. Department of Defense
William R. Gates, Mark E. Nissen. © 2005. 7 pages.
Two modes of matching people with jobs prevail at present: hierarchical planning and distributed markets. Patterned after centrally planned (e.g., former Soviet-style) economies...
Delineating Knowledge Flows for Enterprise Agility
Mark E. Nissen. © 2005. 7 pages.
The practice of knowledge management (KM) purports to take the power of knowledge to the group, organization and even enterprise level (Davenport & Prusak, 1998). Although this...
Inducing Enterprise Knowledge Flows
Mark Nissen. © 2004. 18 pages.
The knowledge-based organization appears to offer great promise in terms of performance and capability. Indeed, many researchers are actively working to understand how...
Integrating Knowledge Process and System Design for Naval Battle Groups
Mark E. Nissen, Elias Oxendine. © 2002. 18 pages.
Interest in and attention to knowledge management have exploded recently. But integration of knowledge process design with information system design has long been missing from...
Agent- and Web-Based Employment Marketspaces in the U.S. Department of Defense
William R. Gates, Mark E. Nissen. © 2002. 35 pages.
Two modes of matching people with jobs prevail at present: hierarchical planning and distributed markets. Each has strengths and limitations, but few systems have been designed...
Integrated Analysis and Design of Knowledge Systems and Processes
Mark Nissen, Magdi Kamel, Kishore Sengupta. © 2000. 20 pages.
Although knowledge management has been investigated in the context of decision support and expert systems for over a decade, interest in and attention to this topic have exploded...
Integrated Analysis and Design of Knowledge Systems and Processes
Mark E. Nissen, Magdi Kamel, Kishore Sengupta. © 2000. 31 pages.
Although knowledge management has been investigated in the context of decision support and expert systems for over a decade, interest in and attention to this topic have exploded...