Maria Colurcio

Maria Colurcio is Full Professor of Management at the University of Magna Graecia, Catanzaro. In her recent role as Prorector for Sustainability, she has been at the forefront of championing sustainability initiatives within the academic community. Her research endeavors are deeply rooted in sustainability and the circular economy. She has extensively explored sustainable business models, service innovation, and networked innovation in food SMEs. She is Principal Investigator for many international research projects on innovation. She is the author of more than 150 publications, many of them in high-impact journals. Maria has been honored with several accolades, including awards for her contributions to scholarly conferences. Beyond her research, she actively participates in editorial committees and is affiliated with renowned scientific societies in the field.


Storytelling for the Faceless: A Tool for Communicating Sustainability and Circular Economy in the Public Sector
Elisabetta Pozzetto, Maria Colurcio, Donata Vianelli. © 2023. 22 pages.
Storytelling is a strategic tool for communicating sustainability and the circular economy (CE). So far, its effects have been analyzed mainly in the private sector, and its...