Maria Alexandri

Maria Alexandri was born in Athens in 1997. She studied Psychology at the University of Athens. She completed an internship at a neurodevelopmental care centre for children in Piraeus. She holds two certifications from the University of Athens in infant, child, and adolescent psychopathology, as well as special treatment: "interdisciplinary convergence practices". She is currently in her second year of a Master's degree in Clinical and Cognitive Neuropsychology at the University of Strasbourg. She works as a psychologist, specializing in children, adolescents, and families in Athens. She delivered a speech during Brain Awareness Week 2023. Her passion lies in assisting individuals with any disabilities to achieve their full potential.


Language, Socio-Emotional Skills, and School Performance of Children and Adolescents With Developmental Language Disorder According to Parents' Perceptions
Asimina M. Ralli, Maria Alexandri, Maria Sofologi. © 2024. 17 pages.
The study investigates parents' perceptions of children and adolescents with DLD regarding their understanding of DLD, the developmental language history, their language...