Margarita Ruiz-Rodriguez

Margarita Ruiz-Rodríguez , PhD, is a lecturer in the Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, at the University of Cádiz. Her lines of research and teaching experience cover Strategic Management, Business Management and Human Resources. She has participated in several teaching innovation projects about managerial skills and competences. Some of them have obtained awards and mentions of excellence. She is also Coordinator of the Strategic Management module in the Master in Tourism Management (UCA) for more than 11 years.


Institutionalisation of Sustainability: The HR Manager as a Strategic Entrepreneur in Its Adoption
Jesús Barrena-Martínez, Macarena López-Fernández, Pedro M. Romero-Fernández, Margarita Ruiz-Rodriguez. © 2023. 18 pages.
Contributing to sustainability no longer remains an optional activity. Institutional pressures exert a major influence on organisations towards the adoption of sustainability....
Gamification of University Subjects: A Case Study for Operations Management
Miguel Ángel Montañés-Del Río, Vanessa Rodríguez Cornejo, Margarita Ruiz Rodríguez, Jaime Sánchez Ortiz. © 2021. 29 pages.
The masterly lesson, tedious and lacking in motivation for today's university students, provokes a passive attitude from them in the classroom. If they also use their mobile...