Margarida Romero

Margarida Romero is a specialist on e-learning and learning innovation, working as researcher, consultant and project manager. For the last 9 years she was a project manager in e-learning and life long learning projects (ITIN University in Paris, IUFM French Guyana, Educational Ministry of Algeria…). In addition to her professional work she has developed her experience as learning facilitator being part-time lecturer at Universitat Ramon Llull (Blanquerna), Université de Limoges, Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé de Nîmes and Centre National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM). Active member of the most representative European educational associations, she leads Euro-CAT-CSCL, a research project within the FP7 Marie Curie IAPP actions. In 2007, she won the 3rd price on Technology Transfer from the EU Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope. In 2006, she won ex-aequo the Artificial Intelligence French Association Award for a communication claiming the need to introduce a metacognitive support into e-learning systems.


Educational Social Software for Context-Aware Learning: Collaborative Methods and Human Interaction
Niki Lambropoulos, Margarida Romero. © 2010. 332 pages.
The emergence of Web 2.0 has triggered a trend towards global online social interactions and has brought sociology into the global interactive picture, creating educational...
Metacognition on the Educational Social Software: New Challenges and Opportunities
Margarida Romero. © 2010. 11 pages.
In recent years, we have witnessed an information revolution. This revolution has been characterised by widespread access to the Internet and by the emergence of information...
Metacognition on the Educational Social Software: New Challenges and Opportunities
Margarida Romero. © 2010. 11 pages.
In recent years, we have witnessed an information revolution. This revolution has been characterised by widespread access to the Internet and by the emergence of information...