María Paz Horno-Bueno

María Paz Horno-Bueno has a degree in Economics and Business Studies from the Complutense University from Madrid and PhD in Economics and Business Studies by the Jaén University. Professor in the Department of Financial Economics and Accounting at the Jaén University since 1999 and tutor at the National University of Distance Education (UNED) since 2018. During this time, she has occupied various management positions at the Jaen University: Coordinator of the Accounting area of the department; Academic Assistant Director of Alumni and Graduates; Vice-Dean of Academic Organisation and currently Vice-Dean of Finance and Accounting and Erasmus Management. She is a member of the Observatory of Entrepreneurship GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor); the researchwork group on entrepreneurship “Fulgencio Meseguer”; the Spanish Association of University Professors of Accounting (ASEPUC) and the Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration (AECA). Author of several publicationss in journals, books and papers both nationally and internationally. Research topics: international accounting regulations; banking; sustainability and entrepreneurship.


Banking Regulation and Efficiency: Evidence From Spain
Alba Gómez-Ortega, María Paz Horno-Bueno, Ana Licerán-Gutiérrez. © 2024. 24 pages.
The banking system is an indicator of macroeconomic stability. Banking practices and regulation affect their operability, and hence, their efficiency in a competitive...