Manuel Duarte Lobo

Manuel Lobo is a Radiographer at the Northeast Local Health Unit in Portugal, as well as an invited professor of Ultrasonography at the Dr. Lopes Dias Superior Health School, part of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. His research interests covers various interdisciplinary areas, including POCUS Ultrasound in Remote settings, advanced roles for Radiographers, and Ultrasound teaching methodologies. Additionally, he serves as a reviewer for esteemed international journals such as Health Science Reports and the Emergency Medicine Journal (BMJ). Manuel is actively involved in professional organizations, holding positions such as Council Member at The International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT), Board President of The Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Portuguese Society (APIMR), and Membership in the International Society of Clinical Ultrasound in Spain. 2529 1719


Emerging Trends in Ultrasound Education and Healthcare Clinical Applications: A Rapid Review
Manuel Duarte Lobo, Sérgio Miravent, Rui Pedro Pereira de Almeida. © 2024. 25 pages.
In this chapter, the authors explore the transformation of ultrasound training in the digital era of higher education. As the digital landscape redefines access to information...
Artificial Intelligence in Teleradiology: A Rapid Review of Educational and Professional Contributions
Manuel Duarte Lobo. © 2023. 25 pages.
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been progressively merging into the daily practice of many healthcare professionals. Radiology is a branch of medicine that can...
Challenges in Ultrasonography Education and Training: Building Bridges for the Professional Practice of Radiographer in Portugal
Manuel José Cruz Duarte Lobo, Sérgio Carlos Castanheira Nunes Miravent Tavares. © 2022. 18 pages.
Ultrasound for radiographers has faced several challenges in Portugal and is still seen as a very “grey” area for students, teachers, and professionals. In this chapter, the...