Manel Kebab

Kebab Manel is part as lecturer in the Department of Commercial Sciences, College of Economic at University of Setif 1, Algeria, since 2007, since she graduated as a top student from University of Setif 1, in Marketing and PhD in Commercial Science. She earned the Ph.D. title in 2018. She has lectured several subjects in Bachelor and Master study programs such as principle of marketing and strategic marketing. Also, Dr. Kebab is authored of the “strategic marketing” book (under review) and about 12 papers of publications in peer-reviewed journals at national and international conferences.


Investigating the Antecedents of Eco-Friendly Vehicle Purchase Intentions: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior
Kamel Mouloudj, Ahmed Chemseddine Bouarar, Luydmila Andriivna Bovsh, Nataliya Zikii, Manel Kebab. © 2023. 16 pages.
Although vehicles have become necessary for our contemporary life and contributed significantly to our well-being, they have also contributed to more environmental pollution....