Magdalena Zioło

Magdalena Ziolo is a Professor at University of Szczecin, Poland. Her research and teaching scope focus on finance, banking and sustainability. She has extensive experience gained in financial institutions. She has received scholarships from the Dekaban-Liddle Foundation (University of Glasgow, Scotland) and Impact Asia Erasmus + (Ulan Bator, Mongolia). She is a Member of Polish Accreditation Commission, Member of the Financial Sciences Committee of PAS (the Polish Academy of Sciences), Member of the Advisory Scientific Committee of the Financial Ombudsman, Expert of the National Centre for Research and Development, Expert of the National Science Centre and the National Agency for Academic Exchange, Expert of the Accreditation Agency of Curacao. She was a member of State Quality Council, Kosovo Accreditation Agency and visiting professor of University of Prishtina (Kosovo). She is Principal Investigator in the research projects funded by National Science Center, Poland in the field sustainable finance. She is the author and editor of numerous books, mostly about financing sustainable development.


The Impact of EU Regulations on the Financial Sector and Enterprises in the Context of Sustainability
Magdalena Zioło, Anna Spoz. © 2023. 22 pages.
Being aware of the advancing climate change, the European Union for several years has taken initiatives to promote the concept of sustainable development. Due to the scale and...