Luiz Felipe Conrado

Luiz Conrado is a master’s student in Production/Industrial Engineering at Fluminense Federal University - UFF(2022) and has a Technician in Industrial Automation - IFRJ (2015). He is a researcher at LabDGE (Laboratory of Design Thinking, Management and Industrial Engineering), currently working as a researcher in a project at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA).


Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) and Lean Healthcare: Reducing Patient Journey in Emergency Care Units
Andrei Bonamigo, Patricia Mendonça Maia Bernardes, Luiz Felipe Conrado, Newton Narciso Pereira. © 2023. 15 pages.
Lean healthcare presents as a potential means to overcome barriers in the health sector by eliminating unnecessary movements, waiting, transport, and stockpiles. However, time...
Optimizing Patient Flow in Emergency Care Units  and Lean Healthcare
Andrei Bonamigo, Patricia Mendonça Maia Bernardes, Luiz Felipe Conrado, Robisom Damasceno Calado. © 2023. 19 pages.
The healthcare industry faces challenges in delivering high-quality care with limited resources. Inefficiencies like long waiting times and excessive staff workload contribute to...