Lolita L. Kincade

Lolita L. Kincade , Ph.D., CFLE, PPS, NCC, LPC, is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Human Development and Family Relations Department at the State University of New York Plattsburgh in Plattsburgh, New York. She is certified as a Family Life Educator through the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) and is also a Licensed Professional Counselor. Her professional interests include improving quality and standards of individual and family life. Dr. Kincade has published research on diverse topics, including the intersection of race and gender, and social justice education and advocacy. She has worked with diverse populations in academic, hospital and community settings, and is experienced in research consultation, program development and planning, non-profit administration and policy advocacy. Dr. Kincade is motivated to impact and transform institutions of higher education in the interest of students, faculty, and leaders of color.


A Social-Ecological Model for Racially Diverse Women in Higher Education: Organizational Support and Affirmative Action
Lolita L. Kincade. © 2024. 26 pages.
Systemic and structural inequities have created barriers to the success of women of color in higher education. In the U.S., racially diverse women are underrepresented among...
At the Crossroads: A Social-Ecological Model of Support for Women of Color in Higher Education Leadership
Lolita L. Kincade. © 2023. 19 pages.
The proportion of women of color faculty members in academia is on the rise, and they are also more visible in higher education leadership. Yet, systemic sexism and racism...