Lochan Chavan

Lochan Chavan is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Transstadia Institute, School of Management, Mumbai, India and holds Master Degree in Commerce and is also a Law Graduate. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Business Management from Chitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab, India. She has contributed more than 5 years in teaching. Also published 2 book chapters in Scopus Indexed Journal.


The Power of Cross-Functional Collaboration and Market Knowledge Integration to Achieve Competitive Advantages in the Automobile Sector
Lochan Chavan, Priya Jindal. © 2024. 11 pages.
The automotive industry is often regarded as a crucial pillar of the economy in several developed countries. Manufacturers are required to identify and implement strategies aimed...
Revolutionizing the Automobile Industry: A Blue Ocean Strategy Approach
Lochan Chavan, Priya Jindal. © 2024. 15 pages.
The automotive supply chain has undergone innovation in several domains due to the extensive and global nature of this business. This chapter encourages participants to explore...
Exploring Market Knowledge Dimensions and Knowledge Integration Mechanisms in Automotive Cybersecurity and IoT
Priya Jindal, Lochan Chavan. © 2024. 9 pages.
There has been a wide range of technological improvements and breakthroughs, allowing new vehicles to evolve and adapt to changes to obtain a competitive advantage....
Customer Engagement Through Emotional Branding
Ansh Jindal, Priya Jindal, Lochan Chavan. © 2023. 10 pages.
Emotional branding is a marketing strategy that involves appealing to clients' emotions to increase brand loyalty. Consumer behavior has shifted away from a more analytical...