Lisa Dawley

Lisa Dawley, Ph.D., is the Chair and Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Technology at Boise State University, conducting research and teaching in online education and the pedagogy of emergent technologies. She also directs the Center for Online Educators, an interactive information and resources center for online teachers. Dawley has her Ph.D. in education from the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is a former research fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences at Stanford and an Eisenhower grant recipient.


The Tools for Successful Online Teaching
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 244 pages.
Online education continues to grow exponentially, and the majority of universities now offer online courses. However, the unprecedented explosion of online learning courses has...
Online Teaching Today and Tomorrow
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 23 pages.
The strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed in detail, and educators are taught to match the strengths of the specific tool to the learning objectives they seek to...
Content Areas: Syllabus, Notes, Lesson Plans, and Documents
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 26 pages.
The strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed in detail, and educators are taught to match the strengths of the specific tool to the learning objectives they seek to...
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 20 pages.
The strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed in detail, and educators are taught to match the strengths of the specific tool to the learning objectives they seek to...
Discussion Forums
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 28 pages.
The strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed in detail, and educators are taught to match the strengths of the specific tool to the learning objectives they seek to...
Small Group Learning
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 23 pages.
The strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed in detail, and educators are taught to match the strengths of the specific tool to the learning objectives they seek to...
Chat and Instant Messaging
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 23 pages.
The strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed in detail, and educators are taught to match the strengths of the specific tool to the learning objectives they seek to...
Audio/Video Conferencing and Whiteboard
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 27 pages.
The strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed in detail, and educators are taught to match the strengths of the specific tool to the learning objectives they seek to...
Assessment and Survey Tools
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 34 pages.
The strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed in detail, and educators are taught to match the strengths of the specific tool to the learning objectives they seek to...
Blogs and Wikis
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 22 pages.
The strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed in detail, and educators are taught to match the strengths of the specific tool to the learning objectives they seek to...
Learning to Use Multiple Tools
Lisa Dawley. © 2007. 13 pages.
The strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed in detail, and educators are taught to match the strengths of the specific tool to the learning objectives they seek to...