Lily Dey

Lily Dey ’s research delves into cutting-edge areas such as Social Media Analysis, employing Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to extract and comprehend emotions from vast datasets. This multidisciplinary approach not only enhances the depth of my investigations but also aligns with the evolving landscape of emotion recognition technologies. Eager to broaden my horizons, I actively stay abreast of emerging trends within the field, fostering collaborations with peers across disciplines. Participating in conferences and workshops has not only allowed me to present my work but has also enabled networking with fellow researchers, inspiring novel research avenues.


A Comprehensive Review of Trustworthy, Ethical, and Explainable Computer Vision Advancements in Online Social Media
Fahim Anzum, Ashratuz Zavin Asha, Lily Dey, Artemy Gavrilov, Fariha Iffath, Abu Quwsar Ohi, Liam Pond, Md. Shopon, Marina L. Gavrilova. © 2024. 46 pages.
Responsible, ethical, and trustworthy decision-making powered by the new generation of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL) recently emerged as one of the key...