Lidia Mañoso-Pacheco

Lidia Mañoso-Pacheco holds a Ph.D. in English Linguistics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). She has worked as an EFL teacher and university professor since 2011, and currently works as an assistant professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Besides, she is the coordinator of the specialization in Foreign Language Teaching of the Degree in Nursery Education. Her research interests mainly focus on applied linguistics to English teaching and critical discourse analysis of media texts. She has published seven book chapters in edited volumes and more than a dozen scientific papers with high-impact national and international journals.


Inclusive Education in Bilingual and Plurilingual Programs
Lidia Mañoso-Pacheco, José Luis Estrada Chichón, Roberto Sánchez-Cabrero. © 2024. 331 pages.
Implementing bilingual and plurilingual education programs has ushered in a transformative era for educators worldwide. These programs have redefined teaching practices and...
Teachers' Code-Switching in Bilingual Primary Education: A Literary Review of its Pedagogical Functions
Lidia Mañoso-Pacheco. © 2023. 19 pages.
Code-switching is a linguistic phenomenon that is widespread among the bilingual communities of primary school learners. Despite the school administrators' disapproval...