Leon Maximiliano Rodrigues

Leon Rodrigues is a PhD candidate in Social Sustainability and Development at Universidade Aberta (UAb, Lisbon; 2021-Current), Master in Ecology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS; 2002), graduated in Biological Sciences/Ecology at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC; 1999). He currently works as a laboratory technician at the State University of Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS; 2018-Current) and as a guide and environmental educator at Fundação Gaia - Legado Lutzemberger (2015-Current). He has experience in Ecology, with an emphasis on Limnology and Ecosystem Ecology, and Environmental Sciences, with a focus on Environmental Education and sustainable agriculture, working mainly on the following topics: basic and applied ecology, biogeochemistry, environmental education and literacy and environmental licensing. He has teaching experience in higher education, environmental education and environmental licensing.


Corporate Governance and Ethics for Sustainability: The Case of the Company Mercur S.A. in Brazil
Leon Maximiliano Rodrigues, Elis Shaida Raichande, Mónica Filipa Nunes Carvalho Gomes, Mirian Benair Semedo. © 2024. 29 pages.
This study analyzed, in the form of a case study, the experience of a large company (Mercur S.A) in the implementation of a new vision focused on sustainability. The target...
Corporate Governance and Ethics for Sustainability: The Case of the Company Mercur S.A. in Brazil
Leon Maximiliano Rodrigues, Elis Shaida Raichande, Mónica Filipa Nunes Carvalho Gomes, Mirian Benair Semedo. © 2023. 28 pages.
This study analyzed, in the form of a case study, the experience of a large company (Mercur S.A) in the implementation of a new vision focused on sustainability. The target...