Kwasi Nkayi

Kwasi Nkayi is a Senior Human Resource Manager at the Tamale Teaching Hospital. His current research interest areas include Procurement and Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management and Human Resource Management. Kwasi holds Master of Commerce Degree in Procurement and Supply Chain Management, BBA Degree in Human Resource Management and HND Marketing. He worked as executive officer and senior executive officer at the Ear, Nose and Throat Department of the Tamale Teaching Hospital.


Utilizing Technology for Sustainable Resource Management Solutions: Economics and Finance
Jonas Yomboi, Majeed Mohammed, Clement Nangpiire, Kwasi Nkayi, Evans Kelvin Gyau, Victoria Manu. © 2024. 15 pages.
This review examines technological, economic, and financial aspects of sustainable resource management. It explores historical development, contemporary technology, economic...