Kristin King

Kristin King is an Associate Professor of Interior Design and Program Coordinator at California State University in Northridge, CA. Kristin’s focus on human-centered design is the foundation of both her teaching and practice. In the classroom, implementing the importance of how design can impact lives and in research and practice through her community engaged efforts. Kristin’s research on human-centered design and the psychology of spaces brought her to serve on the California State University Basic Needs Committee. Her longstanding professional design skills transform into a critical understanding of aesthetics as a philosophical and phenomenological representation of the human experience.


Using the Psycho-Sociocultural Framework to Create a Campus Climate That Acknowledges and Supports the Role of Basic Needs in Student Success
Nelida Duran, Kristin King, Rosalia Garcia-Torres, Danielle Spratt, Mirna Sawyer, Armando Duran. © 2023. 20 pages.
Across Hispanic-serving institutions and minority-serving institutions, efforts to increase student retention and degree completion, especially among first generation and...