Kirsten Thorpe

Kirsten Thorpe (Worimi, Port Stephens) is a Senior Researcher at Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education & Research, University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Kirsten leads the Indigenous Archives and Data Stewardship Hub, which advocates for Indigenous rights in archives and data and develops research and engagement in relation to refiguring libraries and archives to support the culturally appropriate ownership, management and ongoing preservation of Indigenous knowledges. Kirsten has broad interests in research and engagement with Indigenous protocols and decolonising practices in the library and archive fields, and the broader GLAM sector. Kirsten advocates for the 'right of reply' to records and capacity building and support for the development of Living Indigenous Archives on Country.


Challenging the Silences: Leading Change to Support Indigenous Representation and Priorities in Australian Libraries
Kirsten Thorpe, Monica Galassi, Lauren Booker, Tracy Barber. © 2023. 22 pages.
The complex history of Indigenous and colonizer relations in Australia has significantly impacted the terms of engagement between Indigenous peoples with libraries and archives....