Khawar Shabbir

Khawar Shabbir is a highly accomplished pharmacist with more than 30 years of professional experience in both hospital and community setting, had eceived accolades and commendation throughout my career for exceptional patient service and strong work ethics. I have gained excellent communication and interpersonal skills alongside the ability to solve drug related problems and handle challenging situations. I am no stranger to pharmacy practice including but not limited to, clinical pharmacy practice, hospital pharmacy practice, community practice, clinical consultant pharmacy practice, health educator consultant speaker, medication dispensing and medication therapy monitoring. I have democrated sound understanding of the principles underlying pharmaceutical care with an ability to recognize therapeutic incompatibilities. Lwas appointed as Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor to supervise training for sixth year PharmD students of King Abdulaziz University for 12 years and was awarded certificates of participation and appreciation. In recognition to my contribution toward the Pharmacy profession for more than 25 hyears, Ontario College of Pharmacists Canada has awarded me certificate of Emeritus.


Medication Non-Adherence in Geriatric Patients With Multimorbidity
Khawar Shabbir, Adil Hamad Alharthi, Aisha Alshehri, Danyah Ahmed Katlan, Alaa Shahbar. © 2023. 19 pages.
In many cases, the prescription medications are not taken as prescribed is because of failure to adhere to the medication regimen. The reason for not adhering to drug treatment...