Khathutshelo Mercy Makhitha

Khathutshelo Mercy Makhitha is currently a full professor at the Department of Marketing and Retail Management, University of South Africa. In 2015 she was hired as the head of department of marketing and retail management at the University of South Africa, until March 2021. She previously worked as a senior lecturer at the Vaal University of Technology and lecturer at the University of Johannesburg. She received her PHD in marketing management at the University of Pretoria, master’s degree in business management at the University of Johannesburg, honours degree at the University of Witwatersrand and a bachelor degree at the University of Venda.


Does Attitude Mediate the Relationship Between Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, and Student Intention to Adopt Online Teaching and Learning?
Khathutshelo Mercy Makhitha. © 2024. 25 pages.
The purpose of the study was to determine if students' attitude towards online teaching and learning (T&L) mediate the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived...