Khamdam Akbarov

Khamdam Akbarov works at Faculty of Chemistry, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 100034, Uzbekistan. His research direction is corrosion science, physical chemistry, thermodynamics, hybrid Nano-compositional materials. Professor Khamdam Akbarov is the author of more than 50 research papers, review articles and book chapters in peer-reviewed international journals of ACS, RSC, Wiley, Elsevier, Springer and Taylor & Francis etc. He has also worked as an editor for various books published by Elsevier and De-Gruyeter. He has total citation of more than 500 with H-index of 11 and i-10 index of 14.


Pharmaceutical Drugs as Prominent Corrosion Inhibitors
Berdimurodov Elyor, Eliboev Ilyos, Abduvali Kholikov, Khamdam Akbarov, Dakeshwar Kumar Verma, Mohamed Rbaa, Omar Dagdag, Berdimuradov Khasan. © 2023. 22 pages.
Corrosion of metals is a large problem in the gas-oil, petrochemical, metallurgy, automobile, and electronic industries. To protect metals from corrosion destruction, corrosion...