Khaled Guerraiche

Khaled Guerraiche received the engineering diploma in Electrical engineering from University of Sciences and the Technology, Oran, Algeria, in June 2004, and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from University of Sciences and the Technology, Oran, Algeria (USTO), in 2008 and 2016, respectively. He is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, Higher School of Electrical Engineering and Energetic of Oran, Oran, Algeria. His research interests include operations, planning and economics of electric energy systems, systems dependability and fault tolerance as well as optimization theory and its applications in power electrical engineering.


Intelligent Methods and Alternative Economic Models for Sustainability
Latifa Dekhici, Khaled Guerraiche, Rabia Azzemou, Jihène Jlassi. © 2024. 332 pages.
In the face of a world overwhelmed by environmental challenges, the need for sustainability has reached a critical juncture. This multidimensional concept demands a delicate...
Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Using Metaheuristic Algorithms and Computational Modeling
Latifa Dekhici, Khaled Guerraiche, Karima Belmabrouk. © 2024. 15 pages.
Sustainable energy planning and management is crucial for achieving a reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy supply, while promoting environmental protection, social...
Environmental Economic Power Dispatch Using Bat Algorithm with Generalized Fly and Evolutionary Boundary Constraint Handling Scheme
Latifa Dekhici, Khaled Guerraiche, Khaled Belkadi. © 2020. 21 pages.
This article intends to resolve the evolving environmental economic power dispatching problem (EED) using an enhanced version of the bat algorithm (BA) which is the Bat Algorithm...
Bat Algorithm With Generalized Fly for Combinatorial Production Optimization Problems: Case Studies
Latifa Dekhici, Khaled Guerraiche, Khaled Belkadi. © 2019. 33 pages.
A set of metaheuristics has proved its efficiency in solving rapidly NP-hard problems. Several combinatorial and continuous optimization areas drew profit from these powerful...