Kandace Maya Campbell

Kandace Campbell is a recent graduate of Marymount Manhattan College, holding a bachelor’s degree in both psychology and dance with a keen interest in understanding the intricacies of the interactions between the two fields. During her undergraduate studies, Kandace fostered an interest in the interconnection between dance and health, particularly mental health. Her research into these crossroads led Kandace to find connections between artistic involvement and child developmental outcomes. Her interdisciplinary approach, drawing from research into developmental psychology, parenting, and the specific factors of artistic involvement and poverty on child success outcomes is incredibly nuanced, but not random. Her interest in the interactions of these topics stems from personal experience with both the benefits of an artistic education and the stressors of experiencing poverty. This research offers an avenue of continued research into potential strategies that parents, educators and policy makers could use to combat the negative developmental outcomes associated with at risk children.


Arts Education as a Protective Factor for the Effects of Poverty and Parental Stress on Child Development
Kandace Maya Campbell. © 2024. 21 pages.
The adverse effects of poverty on child development are well documented and can have far reaching outcomes. This review of literature looks at the effects of poverty on child...