Juan José Leiva-Olivencia

Juan Leiva-Olivencia is a lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Malaga (UMA). Tutor Professor at the Centro Asociado “María Zambrano” of the UNED in Malaga. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy at the UMA. Founder and member of the Research Group on Innovation and Inclusive Educational Development, IdEi (HUM-1009) of the Andalusian Research Plan. Editor of the International Journal of New Education (IJNE). His professional career is linked to research projects on inclusive education, interculturality and teacher training. He combines his teaching and research work with the role of evaluator for various national and international agencies for quality assessment in higher education (ANECA, AEI, SINAES...).


Educational and Social Inclusion: A Path to Equity for Families in Vulnerable Situations
María Jesús Santos-Villalba, María José Alcalá del Olmo-Fernández, Lucía María Parody-García, Juan José Leiva-Olivencia. © 2024. 17 pages.
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about social, economic, employment, and educational upheaval. This affected the welfare system and vulnerable families. The aim of this chapter is...
Balancing the Initial Teacher Training in Intercultural Education in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Spain) in the Period 2000-2020
María José Alcalá del Olmo-Fernández, Juan José Leiva-Olivencia. © 2021. 19 pages.
The presence of interculturality in the university curriculum is a relevant and topical pedagogical issue, which leads to the need for future education professionals to be...