Juan Felipe Laverde Salazar

Juan Felipe Laverde Salazar is a Management Engineer from the National University of Colombia with a specialization in Managerial Marketing from the University of Medellín, currently in the final stages of completing a Master's in Systems Engineering, also at the National University of Colombia. University lecturer in financial, marketing, and project management domains. Interested in research within finance, marketing, environmental studies, sustainability, and decision sciences. With over 7 years of experience in both public and private sectors, applying theoretical knowledge in practical environments to address business and governmental challenges.


Digital Financial Inclusion as a Pillar of Disaster Resilience
Daniel Cardona Valencia, Carola Calabuig, Juan Felipe Laverde Salazar, Maria Eugenia Morales. © 2024. 19 pages.
The global crisis from the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved into a multi-sectoral emergency, marked by volatile markets and adverse socio-economic consequences. Numerous initiatives...