Joy Beatty

Joy Beatty is a doctoral student in the Ph.D. program in Education (Curriculum, Culture, and Change concentration) in the School of Education at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is a Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Doctoral Scholars program fellowship recipient and a Holmes Scholar. She was a curriculum writer for CodeVA and taught history and English for over ten years in Virginia and Maryland. Additionally, Joy taught English in South Korea as part of a sponsorship by the Rotary Club. Her passion is developing curriculum for teachers so they can challenge dominant narratives as a way to support diverse learners.


Interrogating “Filter Bubbles” Within Content Areas and Language Choices for Multilingual Learners in US Classrooms
Karen L. Terrell, Luciana C. de Oliveira, Allessandra Elisabeth dos Santos, Joy Beatty, Tara Willging, Silvia Hoyle, Jia Gui. © 2024. 12 pages.
Filter Bubbles refer to a state of intellectual isolation that can result from people becoming encapsulated in streams of data. When considering factors that contribute to the...