José Melchor Medina-Quintero

Jose Melchor Medina-Quintero is a Doctor in Business Information Systems from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) and expert in Information Technologies and Systems. Leader of the research group Information Technologies and Strategy (UAT-CA-132), for which he has published 22 papers in high-impact journals (Scopus and JCR) both in Mexico and internationally: Journal of Computer Information Systems, Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Innovar Journal, Cuadernos de Administración, Management Studies, Nova Scientia, Accounting and Administration, among others. He is the co-author of 20 book chapters on information technologies and systems. He wrote the book Information Systems Project Planning and co-authored a leading-edge statistical book such as Multivariate Analysis Techniques. Applied to the social sciences, co-author in 6 books with a business administration approach, and coordinator of 5 books. He has supervised 73 theses between graduate, master, and doctorate. Some of the research projects in which Dr. Medina has participated: i) Study of the administrative profile of the SMEs in the state of Tamaulipas, ii) Consolidation of the scientific and technological infrastructure for the exploration and sustainable exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbons, oil/gas shale in Mexico, iii) Institutional Repository of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, iv) Information technologies and systems in public and private organizations in the state of Tamaulipas, v) e-Government: Tax collector, vi) e-Banking for customer loyalty and satisfaction, among others. Since 2010, he is a member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico.


Futuristic Trends for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Ecosystems
Fernando Ortiz-Rodriguez, Sanju Tiwari, Sailesh Iyer, José Melchor Medina-Quintero. © 2022. 320 pages.
A key focus in recent years has been on sustainable development and promoting environmentally conscious practices. In today’s rapidly evolving technological world, it is...