Joel Hancco- Paccori

Joel Paccori graduated from the Faculty of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering and the master's degree in Computer Science - UNI, Electronic development engineer in the research, development and innovation (IDI) area of the Institute Geophysicist of Peru - MINAM, implementing technological development projects applied to disaster reduction financed by Concytec, Innovate Perú.


Cost-Effective Advanced Remote Diagnostics of Sucker Rod Pumping Wells From Dynamometric Charts: A Deep Learning Approach
Joel Hancco- Paccori, Manuel Castillo Cara, Jesus Samuel Armacanqui - Tipacti. © 2024. 32 pages.
There is a growing number of oil production wells in the world that use rod pump units as an extraction system. In fact, this lifting method is become the preferred one for...