Jessica London Jacobs

Jessica London Jacobs operates two alternative education programs in Topanga, CA. “Petals” is a play-based unschool with a focus on deep nature connection, health and wellness, and the arts. “Ditchschool” is where unschooling meets early college and students learn what they want, when they want, and how they want while completing their college degrees well before their peers. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Mathematics and thinks teaching Algebra (to those who do not enjoy it) is harmful to youth. Jessica’s own sons attended UC Berkeley and Stanford University earning their bachelor’s degrees at ages 16 and 17 after unschooling. She is currently researching the implications of participating in a Calculus class without having met the prerequisite requirements of lower level math courses. Her younger children, ages 6 and 9, are happily unschooling and learning about the world they live in on their own terms.


The Kinship Worldview: Unschooling and Indigenous Spirituality
Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows aka Don Trent Jacobs), Jessica London Jacobs. © 2023. 16 pages.
In this chapter, the authors introduce some Indigenous worldview precepts as a way to define and bring forth spirituality in education. Then the authors use a fictional story...