Jessica Buhne

Jessica Buhne is an Inclusion and Disability Services Officer at the University of Sydney and works with students to facilitate the implementation of reasonable adjustments and supports to meet their academic potential. Jessica has a background in Social Sciences, Counselling, and Business (Legal Services). For over 10 years Jessica has worked in the disability sector in the areas of education, employment and advocacy, including working with and supporting young people to navigate post-school pathways. Jessica has worked on an individual and systemic level to remove barriers to participation and inclusion of people with disability through advocacy and capacity building initiatives.


Implementing UDL in a University Setting: Overcoming Barriers One Checkpoint at a Time
Andy Smidt, Tonnette Stanford, Dagmar Kminiak, Isobelle Montague, Jessica Buhne. © 2023. 20 pages.
UDL principles are not consistently applied in the tertiary sector in Australia and appear infrequently in government policies. There is limited research about UDL in Australia...