Jesrina Ann Xavier

Jesrina Ann Xavier has been an academic at Taylor's University's School of Management and Marketing since 2015. She makes every effort to balance her teaching, research, and service responsibilities at levels consistent with her position. She immerses herself in research while continually striving to enhance her teaching effectiveness in order to better reach students with diverse backgrounds, talents, motivations, and intellects. She is enthusiastic about assisting students in comprehending the academic, conceptual, and practical components of entrepreneurship through her research, in the field of entrepreneurship and design thinking.


An Investigation of Patterns of Entrepreneurial Competencies Among Undergraduates at a Malaysian Public University
Ponmalar N. Alagappar, Janitha V. Nadarajah, Jesrina Ann Xavier. © 2023. 21 pages.
Entrepreneurial competences are related to the knowledge and skills needed to establish or manage a business that is profitable. However, research into the relationship between...
Nurturing Students' Entrepreneurial Mindset: A Design Thinking Approach
Ponmalar N. Alagappar, Jesrina Ann Xavier, Manimekalai Jambulingam. © 2023. 21 pages.
Previous studies have shown that education and training play a significant role in the growth of entrepreneurial mindset. By participating in the entrepreneurial design thinking...