Jenny Bladow

Dr. Jenny Bladow was previously a middle school science teacher for ten years before transitioning into higher education. She currently serves as the Director of Teacher Education at the University of North Dakota. Dr. Bladow serves on several state-level committees including The Governor’s Task Force for Teacher Retention and Recruitment, North Dakota Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (NDACTE) and the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board (ESPB). She also serves as a site visitor for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) site visits for teaching colleges throughout the United States. Dr. Bladow’s areas of research interest include ways to incorporate environmental education into teaching and learning practices, and how to better support teacher candidates throughout their field experiences out in P-12 schools.


A Review of Integration of Environment Education Into Teacher Preparation Programs
Jenny Bladow. © 2023. 17 pages.
Compared to previous generations, children today spend less time outdoors interacting with nature and all it offers. The current leisure trends are encompassed in technology as...