James D. Jones

Dr. Jones has held academic positions in computer science at multiple universities, and now at Liberty University. Having several years of experience in industry, his interests range from the practical to the theoretical. In addition to teaching a full load, he pursues an active research agenda in artificial intelligence, having published over 35 articles in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. He has a PhD in computer science, as well as degrees in business and music. He is married, and has five children.


Logic Programming for Intelligent Systems
James D. Jones. © 2019. 12 pages.
This chapter suggests that logic programs employing recent advances in semantics and in knowledge representation formalisms provide a more robust framework in which to develop...
Logic Programming for Intelligent Systems
James D. Jones. © 2018. 10 pages.
In what seem to be never-ending quests for automation, integration, seamlessness, new genres of applications, and “smart systems”, all of which are fueled in part by...