J. Piet Hausberg

J. Piet Hausberg is a Senior Consultant at Cassini Consulting in Hamburg and holds the Chair of Technology and Innovation Management at the University of Osnabruck, Germany. He holds a PhD from LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome. His research interests include business incubation and acceleration, crowdfunding, and open innovation. He published in top-tier international journals like R&D Management, Journal of Technology Transfer, International Journal of Innovation Management, and Journal of Small Business Management.


Enhancing Creative Performance: The Role of Knowledge Management System Usage, Absorptive Capacity, and Motivation
Tobias D. Herbst, J. Piet Hausberg. © 2024. 28 pages.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted firms' prior working modes. As more employees are required to work from home, firms need to successfully implement remote working and...