Irini K. Zerva

Dr. Irini K. Zerva is an adjunct faculty academic member at Hellenic Open University, Neapolis University and University of Nicosia in the fields of Disorders in written and oral speech, Educational Psychology and Special Education. She is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She holds a Ph.D. in Special Pedagogy and Psychology, specializing in Metalinguistic Skills and their Contribution to Learning from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.She also holds two bachelor’s degrees from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, one from the Department of Philology with a degree in Linguistics and a second one in Pedagogical Studies and two master’s degrees (M.Sc.2) one in Special Education, specializing in Speech Therapy - Counseling and Diploma Thesis in Early Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia, at Primary Education Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and a second one with a scholarship in Educational Policy and Administration at the University of Peloponnese. She is a member of APA (American Psychological Association). Selected publications: Ζerva, K. I. (2023). Metalinguistic abilities: The contribution to writing. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8(1), 100609. (Elsevier) Zerva, K. I. (2023). Early Signs of Reading Difficulties and Phonological Awareness in Early School Age. In Perspectives of Cognitive, Psychosocial, and Learning Difficulties from Childhood to Adulthood: Practical Counseling Strategies. Sofologi, M., Kougioumtzis, G. A., & Koundourou, C. (Eds). ISBN13: 9781668482032. USA: IGI Global. Katsarou, D & Zerva, K. I.,(2023). (In Greek) Written language disorders in specific reading disorder (dyslexia) and ADHD: the clinical continuum between the two neurodevelopmental disorders, Archives of Hellenic Medicine, 41 (accepted, in press) Zerva, K. I. & Bonti, E. (2023). How “specific” are specific learning disabilities after all? A discussion of the overlap between neurodevelopmental learning-related disorders and the issues of differential diagnosis. In Dimitra Katsarou (Ed.) Developmental Language Disorders from childhood to adolescence,IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0644-4.ch012 Zerva, K. I. & Koundourou, C., (2023). Neurodevelopmental Language Disorders in School Context-Specific Learning Disorders in Reading and Writing. In Dimitra Katsarou (Ed.)Developmental Language Disorders from childhood to adolescence, ,IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0644-4.ch015 Katsarou, D., Zerva, K. I. K., Mantsos, E., & Stamatis, P. J. (2023). The Role of the School Unit Leader in the Inclusion of Students With Disabilities. In E. Efthymiou (Ed.), Inclusive Phygital Learning Approaches and Strategies for Students With Special Needs (pp. 282-295). IGI Global. Zerva, K. I., (2023). The imprint of specific learning difficulties and ADHD on the mental health of the individual and their environment. In Katsarou, D., Koundourou, X. & Reppa, Gl., (Eds.), New Trends and Approaches in Psychopathology and Mental Health of Children and Adults, Gutenberg, ISBN 978-960-01-2465-1 Reppa, P. G., Tsoutsa, H., Zerva, Κ. I., Vourgari, K.,… (2023). The relationship between resilience, self-esteem and academic performance. An investigation in primary school students, Εducational Psychologist, (in press). Zerva, K. I., & Bonti Ε. (2023). Higher Education and Neurodiversity. In M. Kouroutsidou, D. Katsarou & A. Argyriadis (Eds) Inclusion and Education of Vulnerable and Vulnerable Social Groups - People with Speech, Communication and Speech Disorders, University Papers Eudoxos, Gutenberg (in press) Bonti E., Zerva, K. I.,. & Sofologi, M. (2023). Adults with EMD: multifaceted challenges and difficulties. In M. Kouroutsidou, D. Katsarou & A. Argyriadis (Eds) Integration and Education of Vulnerable and Vulnerable Social Groups - People with Speech, Communication and Language Disorders, University Papers Eudoxos, Gutenberg (in press) Zerva, K. I. (2023). (October 20-22)- Metalinguistic deficits in preschool, as indicators of developmental speech disorders-9th International Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation, Larissa, Roundtable on "Language and Communication in Preschool Age" Zerva, K. I., (April 15-17, 2022). Written speech production and metalinguistic skills, [oral presentation], 7th Panhellenic Conference on "Education and Culture in the 21st Century", Patras.Ζέρβα_Ειρήνη.pdf Zerva, K. I.,(June 7-19, 2022). The modern teacher and special education - 36th International Conference on "Evaluation and production of educational materials, intercultural education and education administration", [posted announcement], I.PO.D.E. – Patra. Patsogianni, Κ., Antoniadi, X., Afouxenidis, A., Gini, E., Dionisopoulou, P., Drosos, D., Zerva Κ. I., …Κouroumpalis, D. (2010). Study of the maturation of Education and Culture actions in the OP "Education and Lifelong Learning" of the NSRF 2007-2013: Development-Formulation of the Program of Projects and Actions (Deliverable 2nd Phase 2nd issue), Ministry of Education -General Secretariat for Youth, Zerva, K. I.,(2007). Comparison of written speech of 5th grade students with or without special learning difficulty in reading, in Special education in the knowledge society - Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conference on Special Education with international participation - Society of Special Education of Greece in collaboration with the Department of Special Education and Psychology PTDE, EKPA, Vol.2 (11), 463, Grigoris, Athens, ISBN: 978-960-333-514-6 Zerva, K. I., (2007). The recognition and correction of the error in the written word as a metacognitive criterion in children with and without learning difficulties, in Language difficulties and written language in the context of school learning, P.S.L. Volume 1(3), 318-322, Grigoris, Athens, ISBN 978-960-333-532-0 Zerva, K. I. & Ventikou P. (April 26-29, 2007). Comparison of written language of 5th grade students with or without a special learning difficulty in reading, [oral presentation], Special education in the knowledge society - 1st Panhellenic Conference on Special Education with international participation - Society of Special Education of Greece in collaboration with the Sector of Special Education and Psychology P.T.D.E., E.K.P.A., published by Grigoris, Athens, ISBN:97 8-960- 333- 514-6 – 463. Vedikou, P. & Zerva, Κ. I. (Αpril 2007). Reading through colour filters as an alternative method of facing dyslexia11th Panhellenic Conference of Speech Therapists.


Early Signs of Reading Difficulties and Phonological Awareness in Early School Age
Irini K. Zerva. © 2023. 16 pages.
The skill of reading is an important indicator of mental development and one of the basic achievements in schooling. It is a complex mechanism where, although it has now been...
The Role of the School Unit Leader in the Inclusion of Students With Disabilities
Dimitra V. Katsarou, Irini K. Zerva, Evangelos Mantsos, Panagiotis J. Stamatis. © 2023. 14 pages.
Inclusive education aims at fully accepting the different abilities of children, responding to teachers in all their learning needs, and treating them equally, without...
How “Specific” Are Specific Learning Disabilities After All?
Irini K. Zerva, Eleni Bonti. © 2023. 12 pages.
Learning-related NDDs, such as Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), appear in childhood, and due to their high connectivity with...
Neurodevelopmental Language Disorders in School Context: Specific Learning Disorders in Reading and Writing
Irini K. Zerva, Christiana Koundourou. © 2023. 12 pages.
Literacy is a basic demand of modern civilization. Educational systems promote reading and writing as a primary requirement of schooling. In children with Νeurodevelopmental...