Ibrahim M. H.

Ibrahim's M. H. went from Assistant Professor to Head of Information Technology Introduction: Ibrahim's life has been a testament to perseverance, hard work, and a passion for technology. Rising through the ranks from an Assistant Professor to becoming the Head of the Department of Information Technology, this journey is nothing short of inspiring. This biography chronicles the key milestones, challenges, and accomplishments that have shaped my professional career. Ibrahim was born in Tirunelveli, India and from an early age, he showed an aptitude for academics and a keen interest in technology. He excelled in his studies and demonstrated an innate curiosity for understanding how things worked. This led him to pursue a higher education in the field of computer science. After completing my undergraduate studies in computer science, I went on to pursue a Master's degree in the same field. Upon completing my Master's, Ibrahim started an academic career as an Assistant Professor at Sadakathullah Appa College. His teaching style, combined with his practical knowledge of the industry, quickly earned him respect among students and colleagues.


Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing, Communication, Transportation, Healthcare
R. Felista Sugirtha Lizy, Ibrahim M. H., Chinnadurai Manthiramoorthy. © 2024. 29 pages.
This chapter gives a summary of the effects of Industry 4.0 (I 4.0) on various sectors, including manufacture, communication, transportation, and healthcare. A new wave of...