Hotniar Siringoringo

Hotniar Siringoringo is a professor at Gunadarma University, Jakarta Indonesia. She teaches undergraduate students in the Industrial Engineering and Management Program, postgraduate in the Information System Management program, and in the Economics program. She advises students’ thesis of master program in Information System Management and doctoral program in economics. She also taught abroad as visiting professor at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland, and to the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak. She visited Ecuador as visiting researcher in Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y Sociedad de la Información, Quito, Ecuador on Prometeo project April-July 2014. She published papers in international journals published by reputed publishers such as Inderscience and Emerald.


Perspectives and Strategies of Family Business Resiliency in Unprecedented Times
Hotniar Siringoringo, Ravindra Hewa Kuruppuge. © 2023. 322 pages.
Family businesses are essential economic drivers in the world. Family businesses are not only able of contributing to the economy in a normal situation but have proven to be able...
Hotniar Siringoringo, Ravindra H. Kuruppuge, Misdiyono Misdiyono, Sri Murtiasih. © 2023. 14 pages.
A family business is a venture which is possessed and controlled by family members. Many family businesses were started from small scales and grow to become multinational...
A Picture of Family Businesses in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hotniar Siringoringo, E. S. Margianti, Sudaryanto Sudaryanto. © 2023. 11 pages.
This chapter explores family business conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. To fulfill this goal, data from Biro Pusat Statistik (Statistics Indonesia) and...