Henry C. Alphin Jr.

Henry C. Alphin Jr., MBA, MS is a higher education professional fusing theory and practice to nurture regional growth through economic development, industry collaboration, community engagement, and workforce development. Currently, he is an Administrator in Drexel University's Office of Information Technology (DU-IT), a Research Affiliate of Drexel, and a Visiting Scholar at Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development (PHENND). He possesses expertise in higher education administration, economic development, and strategy. His current scholarship focuses on the intersection of higher education and economic development, including community engagement, industry collaboration, workforce development, philanthropy, and accessibility. Henry holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Drexel's Bennett S. LeBow College of Business, a Master of Science in Higher Education (MSHE) from Drexel's School of Education, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the triple accredited (including AACSB) program at the Warwick Business School of Warwick University. Henry is on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Economic Development in Higher Education (JEDHE) and the Global Business and Economics Research Journal. He is involved as a member of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), including the Scholars of Philanthropy of Higher Education ($OPHIE) subgroup; as well as the University Economic Development Association (UEDA), serving on the Body of Knowledge, Development, and Marketing Committees.


The Future of Accessibility in International Higher Education
Henry C. Alphin Jr., Roy Y. Chan, Jennie Lavine. © 2017. 321 pages.
Education is the foundation to almost all successful lives, and it is important that a high level of schooling be available on a global scale. Studying the trends in...