Hella Kaffel Ben Ayed

Hella Kaffel Ben Ayed received Engineering, PhD, and Habilitation Universitaire degrees in computer science from the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, the University of Tunis El Manar (UTM). She’s an Associate Professor in computer science at the Faculty of Science of Tunis, teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in computer networks, IT security, and Blockchain. She founded several teaching undergraduate and graduate programs in the fields of networking, cyber security, IoT, and Blockchain. She is the Director of the LIPAH research Laboratory and President of the Computer Science Doctorate Commission, UTM. She has supervised and co-sponsored several doctoral theses and Master of Research in Computer Science. She participated in the setting up of various national and international collaboration projects. She served as guest editor for many scientific journals. Her topics interests around Blockchain include access control and token management, Self-Sovereign identities, supply chain traceability, blockchain-based marketplaces and Blockchain for IoT systems. She is involved in two European projects on Blockchain-based traceability for agro-food supply chains.


Blockchain Technology With the Internet of Drones (IOD) to Address Privacy and Security Issues in Disaster Management
Naser Hussein, Hella Kaffel Ben Ayed. © 2024. 26 pages.
The portability and automation of the internet of drones (IOD) have drawn increasing attention in recent years, and it is being used in various fields (such as military, rescue...