Heidi Johanna Layne

Heidi Layne is a Research Scientist at the Centre for Research in Child Development in National Institute of Education, Singapore (NIE/NTU). She has gained her PhD in the Philosophy of Education from the University of Helsinki, Finland. Her background is in social context of education, multicultural education, teacher education, early childhood education and qualitative research methods. Currently, she is leading a research project on Understanding the Effects of Child Support Model: Experiences of Children and Families from Low Income Background in Singapore. In addition, she is involved in a project on developing teachers’ professional development resources in the context of early childhood education in Singapore, as well on a research project on understanding the diversities in education in Singapore.


International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IJBIDE)
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour. Est. 2016.
The International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IJBIDE) investigates critically the positioning of diverse individuals in formal and informal contexts...