Heather H. McClure

Heather McClure , Ph.D., is a cultural anthropologist with expertise in the social and cultural determinants of learning and health among marginalized populations, with a particular focus on Latin American immigrant youth and families. She uses multi-method approaches to gain insights into individual, family, and community-level influences on learning and critically-related phenomena (e.g., mental, behavioral, and physical health) that can either create risk for educational failure or promote engaged learning and well-being over the life course. She also is Director of the Center for Equity Promotion (CEQP) in the University of Oregon’s College of Education.


The COVID-19 Pandemic and Teaching and Learning: Teachers' Perspectives on Providing Online Social Support and Academic Instruction in the USA
Heather H. McClure, Claudia G. Vincent, Rita Svanks, Darren C. Reiley, Brion Marquez. © 2023. 26 pages.
The authors present United States high school personnel perspectives on providing social support and academic instruction through a comprehensive distance learning (CDL) model...