Halyna Voropai

Halyna Voropai is a Ph.D., the Head of the Department of Drainage, the Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS, Ukraine. Scientific activity is dedicated to solving the current problems of substantiating directions for the development of land reclamation of the humid zone in modern economic conditions, introducing into practice methods of managing technological processes on land reclamation systems, and restoring the effective use of the potential of drained lands. Halyna Voropai is interested in the development of constructive and technological approaches to ensure the effective functioning of drainage and humidification systems in the conditions of changes in the water resource potential of Polissia and the socio-economic conditions of agriculture there; justification and improvement of existing technologies for managing water regulation processes in canals and the collector network of drainage systems, technologies for managing the water regime of soils in accordance with the needs of crops; substantiation of the main approaches and the development of measures to increase the water supply of certain areas of reclaimed land.


Environmentally Safe and Resource-Saving Water Regulation Technologies on Drained Lands
Lyudmyla Kuzmych, Halyna Voropai. © 2023. 22 pages.
In modern conditions of climate change and agricultural use of drained lands, there is a need for efficient production with the introduction of new or improved technologies for...