Gustavo Enrique Rodriguez-Robles

Gustavo Rodríguez Robles holds a Master's degree in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering. In 2021, he conducted postgraduate research in a project funded by the World Bank. Currently, he serves as Development Manager at a company specializing in the design and sale of electrical transformers.


Evaluation of Geological Boundary Conditions of a Water Well for Aquifer Integrity Conformance by Pressure Transient Analysis: Presence of Hydraulic Fracturing, the Operation of Wastewater, CO2 Storage, and Geothermal Wells
Gustavo Enrique Rodriguez-Robles, Jesus Samuel Armacanqui-Tipacti. © 2024. 14 pages.
It is very important to determine the characteristics of the nature of geological faults in the stage of production and exploration of hydrocarbons. However, there is no...