Guillermo Morales-Luna

Guillermo Morales-Luna is a Researcher at Cinvestav-IPN since 1985. He received a Ph.D in Mathematics from the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland. From 1989 to 1992 he chaired the Cinvestav Computer Science Section. He has refereed texts and books edited by the Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, the Universidad Auto´noma Metropolitana and IPN. He has received several grants for research and technology projects from Mexican CONACyT, UNESCO, PEMEX and the Mexican Institute of Telecommunications. His research interest areas include Logic (model theory, Peano arithmetic, proof theory) and mathematical foundations of Computer Science (recursive functions, computational complexity and algorithms).


Creativity in Load-Balance Schemes for Multi/Many-Core Heterogeneous Graph Computing: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Alberto Garcia-Robledo, Arturo Diaz-Perez, Guillermo Morales-Luna. © 2018. 217 pages.
Recent years have witnessed the rise of analysis of real-world massive and complex phenomena in graphs; to efficiently solve these large-scale graph problems, it is necessary to...