Gökhan Demirdöken

Gökhan Demirdöken is an independent researcher. He taught Aviation English for more than four years. He received his MA in English Language and Teaching from Bahçeşehir University in 2019. His master’s thesis reported on ESP needs analysis of prospective pilots studying in a military higher education institution in Turkey and taking the Aviation English course. He is now a PhD candidate in Bahçeşehir University Department of English Language Teaching, and his dissertation focuses on a simulation-based ESP Aviation English training as well as the assessment of student pilots’ readback performance. He has published high-quality SSCI-indexed articles, and he is a member of IESPTA (International ESP Teachers' Association).


Generative AI Soaring in the Skies: New Horizons in Aviation English
Nazmi Dinçer, Gökhan Demirdöken. © 2024. 23 pages.
Several regulations in the aviation industry have been made by authorities to minimize the incidents due to language barriers; however, a more reasonable solution lies in...