Giuseppe Iurato

Giuseppe Iurato, with a BA in Mathematics from University of Pisa, Italy, a MA in Mathematics from University of Catania, Italy, and a PhD in Applied Physics (with curriculum in: History and Education of Science) from University of Palermo, Italy, is an external research collaborator of the International Center for Mathematical Modeling of the Faculty of Technology of the Linneaus University, Vaxio, Sweden, and has been past member of the Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI), published by IGI Global Publisher, Hershey (PA), USA. His main research interests regard the interrelations between humanities with natural and exact sciences.


Computational Psychoanalysis and Formal Bi-Logic Frameworks
Giuseppe Iurato. © 2018. 332 pages.
Computational psychoanalysis is a new field stemming from Freudian psychoanalysis. The new area aims to understand the primary formal structures and running mechanisms of the...