Giancarlo Fortino

Giancarlo Fortino is an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at the Department of Electronics, Informatics and Systems (DEIS) of the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. He received a Laurea degree and a PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of Calabria, in 1995 and 2000, respectively. He has been a visiting researcher at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley (CA – USA), in 1997 and 1999, and visiting professor at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia. His research interests include distributed computing and networks, agent systems, agent oriented software engineering, wearable computing, wireless sensor networks, streaming content distribution networks, and workflow management systems. He is author of over 150 papers in international journals, conferences and books. He is active in the organization of int’l conferences and workshops and currently serves in the editorial board of the Journal of Networks and Computer Applications (Elsevier). He is also co-founder and president of SenSysCal S.r.l., a spin-off of University of Calabria, whose mission is the development of innovative systems and services based on wireless sensor networks for health care, energy management and structural health.


Next Generation Content Delivery Infrastructures: Emerging Paradigms and Technologies
Giancarlo Fortino, Carlos E. Palau. © 2012. 334 pages.
In the midst of the current computing revolution, users demand ever-enhanced and reliable content delivery networks (CDNs) as a means to access the latest online video, news...